Collaborate with the Empty Nest Explorers

Debbie and John have decades of experience in the photography and video industry.

Our commercial photography website:

We’ve been nominated for New York Emmy Awards, been part of the team awarded the Pulitzer Prize, worked with organizations such as the New York Times, American Express, IBM, and Barclays, and photographed major events like the Super Bowl, World Series, NBA Finals, Presidential inaugurations, and Papal visits. John’s photography has been exhibited at the Baseball Hall of Fame.

John is a member of the American Society of Media Photographers and the National Press Photographers.

We’d be happy to help tell people your brand’s story.


About The Empty Nest Explorers travel blog

Hi. We’re Debbie and John - two empty-nesters who have a love of traveling and long professional careers in photography and visual media.

We created this travel blog to share some of our favorite (and hopefully helpful!) travel ideas and experiences from our explorations of our local New York metropolitan area and far beyond.

We hope you enjoy our take on the simple joys of traveling.

travel blog photographer
Travel photographer